The cookie is dead. Long live the cookie!

Here to stay! Cookies are not dead, quite yet, but they have named a feckless heir. While the business of online advertising has continued to morph into something none of us could have expected in the aughts, we still have one thing that persists - cynicism. Google has…

Clean Room? More Like a Mud Room!

And you'll need one soon Neutral clean rooms, unique from their walled garden brethren, create horizontal integrations for marketers, publishers, and data providers to safely harmonize data across domains. It is wholly understandable that the term clean room is used. The impending casualty of the third-party cookie has…
Data control is necessary now that adtech is all grown up


Part 1: A series on managing consumer data consent in the age of regulation. Even when it comes to data, the universal law of giving and receiving is true. Janet Jackson told us back in 1986 about control. Eventually, agency must be afforded those we wish to control,…