Consent Economy is a publication for those discerning people, that want to understand how their data works for and against them in the online ecosystem. Since Marketers need to use quality data to meet the demands of organizations that measure success through Return on Ad Spend, Attributable Conversions and Brand Lift, it is imperative that an audience can be identified and understood. For this reason, drive toward data attainment and portability will never go away. This is why all players in the game deserve to understand to what they’re giving consent, and how it affects their interactions with the other entities in the ecosystem – Brands, Marketers, Consumers, Publishers, Developers, Data Providers and Platforms.

For consumers, the opaque lens through which one understands how their data is being used, and where the personal information resides causes dissonance with marketers looking to know them better. Unfamiliarity breeds fear, which creates backlash and ultimately laws and regulations that make the open web a less user friend place.

The Consent Economy mission is to help marketers, platforms, publishers, data providers and consumers gain an understanding of the ever-evolving relationship each plays in the marketing and purchase funnel, though open dialogue about how consumer data is used, what controls consumers have, and how everyone can benefit.


Consent economy is the philosophical underpinning of Hand Raiser Marketing, a marketing consultancy developed by Therran Oliphant in 2009. As the industry evolved, so did Hand Raiser. No longer was it okay to just ask for a client’s information, a business must provide reason to consent, via authentication and reciprocity.

The market continues to evolve, so this will function as the repository for information pertaining to third party cookie deprecation, authentication technology, and consumer incentives, among other topics. We intend to not only provide the information but the ramifications of these decisions, on the economy. Consent changes the entire economy of the internet; in this crucial juncture, it is time to take hand raising into the consent economy era.